All students, teachers, parents, friends, family and neighbors are invited to join us for Hiawatha Spirit Night at Launch. Up to 22% of the cost of admissions goes back to the PTO.
Time frame will be 4:00-8:00 pm (but people have admission for a two hour period). For example, if they come at 5:00pm, they can jump or do laser until 7:00pm
It's $25 for admission to jump and laser. This includes the socks
Launch will send a unique link one month before the event and people can opt to sign up for time slots or when they arrive the "2 hour rule" will start.
Launch is open to the public on Thursdays however it's not typically crowded. So, if a Hiawatha student attends without signing up for a slot ahead of time, be sure to inform Launch that they are there for the Hiawatha Elementary fundraiser.